Conservation & Restoration Services
Bringing Over 40 Years of Experience to Museums & Private Clients
Conservation & Restoration Services
Proper conservation treatments help preserve clothing and textile artifacts for future generations
Institutional clients:
We follow accepted conservation
procedures of the American
Institute of Conservation of Artistic
and Historic Works.
Private clients:
We restore treasured family
heirlooms such as quilts, wedding
finery, christening and baby clothes, linens, and embroideries.
We analyze each object and
prepare a treatment plan.
Treatments include:
Wet cleaning
Sewing conservation
Mounting for display
Newbie Richardson has over 25 years experience and training in the field of costume and textile conservation.
Colleen Callahan supervised all in-house conservation for 18 years at the Valentine Richmond History Center.
Woman’s Gown & Petticoat, c.1780, Old Jail Museum, Appraised, Conserved, & Mounted for Display,
before & after conservation
Child’s Riding Elephant, 1901,
DAR Museum,
before & after conservation
Woman’s Dress, 1886, Petersburg Museums,conserved & mounted for Display
1870's Baptismal gown, before and after conservation
Wedding dress, 1954, Private Collection,
before & after conservation
1820's coat
befor and after
Kissee Quilt, , The Annacostia Museum of African-American History, Smithsonian Institution,